Our VACRT™ methods are used to maximize information otherwise hidden by conventional x-ray methods, providing advanced views and data.

Our mission is to produce a totally new type of x-ray machine that is beyond expectations.
It will transition from the  time-honored digital imaging plates to the advanced digital revelations never seen before in the healthcare industry.

The foundation of x-ray history is combined with advanced VACRT™, variable angle central ray technology, expertly produced and marketed with the highest efficiency and ethics. This will fulfill the ultimate original visual goal of the radiological exposure.

This truly is the “Next Big Thing” in radiology,
one without limits and our goal is to have it ready this year.

Call for more Information: 360-848-0867

Protected by U.S. patents.

Revolutionary VAXray™ X-Ray Equipment

This A-P Lumbar 90 Degree Central Ray Receptor (CRR) scan to a digital plate shows the overlapping image projections of both the lumbar segments and the discs while maintaining a 90 degree angle to the image receptor.

This image overlapping is much reduced compared to the current standard method of just one exposure on a full plate. It also reduces distortion and magnification. An increased lordotic or kyphotic curve will show even less segmental detail and more segment and disc overlapping.

This Lateral Lumbar 90 Degree CRR scan to a digital plate shows the overlapping image projections of both the lumbar segments and discs while maintaining a 90 degree angle to the image receptor.

This overlapping is much reduced compared to the current standard method of just one exposure on a full plate. An increased curvature will show even less segmental detail and more segment and disc overlapping.

This A-P Lumbar 90 Degree Central Ray Object (CRO) scan uses a small image receptor that feeds the image to a computer in real time. The angles and heights are computed from the Lateral Lumbar 90 Degree CRR scan at the vertebral end plates.

This is a continuation of the scanning process seen in Fig. 3 now aligning exactly with the upper endplate of L4. This demonstrates how the CRO scan proceeds down the desired areas of the spinal column to be studied.

This process is designed to be done from the Occiput to the last Coccygeal segment producing views of each segment straight on. This can be likened to a Ferguson’s Sacral Base Angle View of the entire spinal column.

This Lateral Lumbar 90 Degree CRO scan uses a small image receptor that feeds the image to a computer in real time. The scan is now angled upward to align with the lower end plate of L4. The angles and heights are computed from the A-P 90 Degree CRR scan.

This is a scanning continuation of the Lateral Lumbar view of Fig. 5.

The lateral 90 Degree CRO scan is now angled downward to align with the upper end plate of L5.

The angles and heights are computed from the A-P 90 Degree CRR scan.

The patient will be standing on a rotating platform unless an optional horizontal table is used. This is employed for the spinal oblique views and for example, the Blair upper cervical studies that determine the C0-C2 articular asymmetries and actual positions. If there is spinal segmental rotation this can be corrected for on just the motor unit(s) involved compared to the previous method of another plate exposure, thus reducing radiation. The angles and heights for this are computed from the A-P 90 Degree CRR scan.

The VAXray™, Variable Angle X-ray, Scans at 90 Degrees using Two Methods As Described And Illustrated In Detail Above.

VAXray™ will create an image without the typical spinal segmental projection overlapping. This is accomplished by taking views at 90 degrees to all the vertebrae, as well as any other bones desired to be studied.  This approach will then have the ability to make a greatly improved 3D image. This will give a more complete, accurate picture allowing better diagnosis and care of the patient.

For over 100 years we have seen the overlapping images on spinal x-ray views that left us only one option, “To Guess” what was actually going on inside of our patients. The revolutionary VAXray™ will produce the desired results in: clinics, radiology labs, hospitals, sports stadiums and on the fly using a portable unit, allowing a complete view from every angle, revealing the unseen and eliminating guess work. Complete, total viewing with instant revelations as never seen before will be possible.

The VAXray™ mission statement is to complete the vision goal of X-ray.  This is the “Next big thing” in radiology and our goal is to have it ready within a year.

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